pantry recipe

🍪 snickerdoodles

I was told that these taste similar to those of a local bakery. This is a reliable pantry recipe from Chocolate Covered Katie, but I’m not convinced it’s worth it to imitate the bitterness of cream of tartar with baking soda… or maybe it’s not worth it to have the bitterness at all. I think …

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🍞 bread bowls

Bread bowls and minestrone soup! I don’t actually have any Sunday dinner traditions, but this is a meal that involves some prep work (homemade bread) and so is best for a weekend. The soup is also something to make on a weekend and eat throughout the week, although last week’s soup is also just fine. …

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🥞 pancakes

Look at the improvement from the last time I made pancakes! Even the photography is better, without any edits! Recipe by NICDELIS on allrecipes –all that’s needed is flour, water, sugar, baking powder, salt, and oil! I will make a more sensitivity-friendly version at some point, but it’s nice to have something basic in stock.

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