
Flours are powders of varying coarseness made most commonly from raw grains, such as wheat or corn, but also legumes, seeds, nuts, and roots.

🍞 french toast w/ protein powder

The taste of unflavored pea protein (from @wholefoods) reminded me of eggs, so I made french toast with it! About one scoop in one cup of milk, with two tablespoons of sugar, an eighth of a teaspoon of kala namak and a pinch of turmeric.

🍞 bread bowls

Bread bowls and minestrone soup! I don’t actually have any Sunday dinner traditions, but this is a meal that involves some prep work (homemade bread) and so is best for a weekend. The soup is also something to make on a weekend and eat throughout the week, although last week’s soup is also just fine. …

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🍪 chocolate chip cookies

❗ I’m actually on the search for other chocolate chip recipes, since I’ve developed a taste for crisp edges and chewy centers. The best chocolate chip cookies, vegan or not, no specialty ingredients: Ovenly’s Secretly Vegan Salted Chocolate Chip Cookies, reviewed by food52. Soft for days without being underdone and while still having a bite …

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🍗 sticky sesame cauliflower

Recipe from Connoisseurus Veg! Whole wheat, baked, and very tasty. I baked longer than the recipe instructed and it was still not as crisp as I was looking for, so I’ll probably just use bread crumbs next time.

🥞 pancakes

Look at the improvement from the last time I made pancakes! Even the photography is better, without any edits! Recipe by NICDELIS on allrecipes –all that’s needed is flour, water, sugar, baking powder, salt, and oil! I will make a more sensitivity-friendly version at some point, but it’s nice to have something basic in stock.

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