
🫘 white bean blondies

I overcooked a pound of beans, and so of course that means they’re going into a dessert. I briefly looked at a few recipes but wasn’t thrilled, and having made both black bean and red lentil brownies before*, I figured I’d just ad lib with these β€” I went a little more off-beat than usual, …

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πŸ‘ peach cake

canned peaches put to use in a summer solstice-themed cake kitchen notes – peach upside down cake 15 oz canned peach slices in syrup 2 C all-purpose flour ΒΎ C sugar 1 T baking powder ΒΌ tsp baking soda β…› tsp salt Β½ C syrup from canned peaches β…› tsp fresh lemon zest ΒΌ C …

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πŸ‹ lemon bars

perfectly tart and sweet, with an even ratio of shortbread to filling; made for father’s day and everyone enjoyed it! someone even asked for the recipe, which is why this even got written

🍞 bread bowls

Bread bowls and minestrone soup! I don’t actually have any Sunday dinner traditions, but this is a meal that involves some prep work (homemade bread) and so is best for a weekend. The soup is also something to make on a weekend and eat throughout the week, although last week’s soup is also just fine. …

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