
🫘 white bean blondies

I overcooked a pound of beans, and so of course that means they’re going into a dessert. I briefly looked at a few recipes but wasn’t thrilled, and having made both black bean and red lentil brownies before*, I figured I’d just ad lib with these — I went a little more off-beat than usual, …

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🥜 chickpea pb fudge

I think being a junk food vegan and very experimental baker leads to a weird situation with recipes where they’re part standard American pantry and part niche ‘health’ foods (that are often just from anywhere not the US). This is based on Food and Spice’s fudge recipe, which want to actually follow at some point… but …

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🍊 orange cake

So I like upside-down cakes. 🍑 Here’s an orange one inspired by delicious everyday’s orange cardamom cake (non-veg), using Loving It Vegan’s vanilla sheet cake recipe as a guide. kitchen notes – orange upside-down cake — topping — 1/2 C sugar 1/4 C water 2 T Earth Balance butter spread 3 oranges, peeled, sliced — sponge — 2 C all-purpose flour …

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🍑 peach cake

canned peaches put to use in a summer solstice-themed cake kitchen notes – peach upside down cake 15 oz canned peach slices in syrup 2 C all-purpose flour ¾ C sugar 1 T baking powder ¼ tsp baking soda ⅛ tsp salt ½ C syrup from canned peaches ⅛ tsp fresh lemon zest ¼ C …

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🍋 lemon bars

perfectly tart and sweet, with an even ratio of shortbread to filling; made for father’s day and everyone enjoyed it! someone even asked for the recipe, which is why this even got written

🍫 tahini lentil brownies

I was surprised to find the tahini in these appropriate, since I’ve had unpleasant experiences with the stuff overall, but it seems like sweetness is the solution.Thanking several food bloggers (recipes 1, 2, 3, 4) for the inspiration for these! See my notes for a more standard legume brownie here (ft. black bean). kitchen notes …

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🫘 black bean brownies

I finally made black bean brownies with no sodium beans — cooked them myself. And they turned out great! Gluten free and allergy friendly — recipe adapted from both versions by Ambitious Kitchen (2016, 2012). This was sweet enough for my taste, though a friend didn’t agree, so if you like things in the sweeter …

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🍚 decorated rice pudding

Inspired by the beautiful colors and themes of the vegan artist Teagan White! Portuguese rice pudding with cloves, cinnamon, and sugar for decoration. kitchen notes – rice pudding1/3 C coconut milk (heavy, full fat, from a can)2/3 C milk of choice (here: Silk protein nutmilk*) 1 C cooked rice (here: brown short grain) 3 T …

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